Monthly Archives: July 2008

I Never Learn

There are certain things I never seem to learn. I just seem to have too much stupidity to grasp some lessons long term.

Sure, I learn the lesson. But over time, the importance of the lesson fades, and I return to my folly.

And here I sit, alone and lonely. And it happens every year at this time. What causes this annual angst?

General Motors. My sister-in-law, you see, works at the local GM plant. And every year, they close the plant for re-tooling. And she asks my wife if she wants to go visit their mother in Tennessee. And I say, yes, take the girls and go enjoy yourself.

And about three days into the trip I rue my decision. At the time, it seems clever. MadMomma and the Monk-lets gone and TheMadMonk has peace and quiet.

And outwardly, it appears peaceful and quiet. But inwardly, the restlesness of my lonely heart and the vociferous bellow of my moaning at missing my wife and little girls tells the truth of my plight.

My only respite is the knowledge that tomorrow they will begin the journey back. And the clamor and noise will bring peace and quiet.