Hypocrisy and the Family

I have been working on this post for over a week.  I have scrapped everything I have written several times in what is becoming a vain attempt to communicate clearly what I wish to say.  I’m no longer going to shoot for eloquence and erudition, but to simply say what I have to say.


Tomorrow, the state of Texas votes on the Defense of Marriage Amendment to constitutionally define marriage as one man and one woman.  This is right and good.  I’ve already voted early for this amendment.


But I have a problem with one of the arguments for this amendment.  If we don’t establish this definition, the arguments goes, it will destroy the basic building block of our society — the family.  I must respectfully disagree.


The redefinition of marriage is not a cause of the destruction of the family, but a symptom.  The family is being destroyed by fathers who leave the mother to be the spiritual leader of the home.  Too many men in our contemporary Christendom see their primary responsibility as bread winner instead of spiritual leader.  They teach their children to profane the Lord’s Day because the overtime pay is especially lucrative.


The family is being destroyed by mothers who refuse to submit themselves to the authority of their husbands.  They display their arrogance and defiance in front of their children.  Their jokes disparaging their husband are told openly in front of their children so they may learn to disrespect their father.


The family is being destroyed by parents who indulge their children and allow them to go undisciplined for all but the most egregious of sins.  Bribery is substituted for discipline and the results are spoiled disobedient delinquents.


The family is being destroyed by churches who substitute entertainment and frivolity for the teaching of God’s Word.  They advertise all the programs and activities they have for the children but never mention the teaching of the Word.  Their advertisements reflect their priorities.  Numbers are more important than truth.


It’s easy to blame the evil and vile for the destruction of the family.  But it’s just not true.  The hypocrisy abides in pointing out the sins of others while neglecting to lead your family in worship.  A vote ‘yes’ provides absolution from the destruction of the family from within.  And encouraging the church membership to vote cleans the hands of the church leadership.


The family is being assaulted not from without, but from within.  The solution lies not with the politicians, but with the parents.  Daily worship and a church whose focus is God’s Word is where it begins.  It can end in generations faithfully serving and glorifying God.

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