Remove the Sharp Objects

Posting has been light because life has been hectic. We have family in town and CastleMonk is filled to the brim. My mother-in-law is here and cooking. Traditional Southern cooking. We had fried cholesterol for breakfast yesterday. If it stops moving, she’ll fry it. I’m a happy man.

But MadMommaMonk is not. If you were wonder what this post was all about, she and her mother bought the same knife set for themselves. (She is allowing me to wrap hers and “give” it to her as a gift). Well, her mother sliced herself twice with the new, sharp knives, so MadMommaMonk takes over the slicing duties.

She sliced the ‘taters, she sliced the onions, she sliced right through her fingernail and into her finger. Perhaps I should include a boost in insurance with the knives.


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