Daddy, I Puked

Those are three words I don’t care to here.  First off, I am the kind of daddy who really empathizes when my little girls hurt.  Second of all, I have the kind of weak stomach that leads to sympathy puking and a much larger clean up.

Today on the way to church, our little two year old (who, by the way, will turn three on Tuesday despite my instructions to stop growing up) said she was feeling like she was going to throw up.  When we questioned her more closely, she informed us she just had to burp and she was feeling better now, so we proceeded to church.

Sunday School went well, except her teacher informed us she said she felt like throwing up and wouldn’t touch the cookies and cupcakes they had for them in class today.  After conferring with MadMommaMonk, we decided we would not push our luck.  After all, we’ve already been through this and this.  Since MadMommaMonk and I are in the choir, we decided to sing, but depart after the choir was finished.  As a precaution, the MiniestMonk and our oldest daughter would not sit in the sanctuary.  Oldest son and MiniMonk would.

MiniestMonk and oldest daughter are in the back in the room where the choir was warming up, when the unmistakable sound of vomit splash reached my ears.  Oldest daughter was holding MiniestMonk out at arms length running to the bathroom and the table was splashed with that morning’s Fruit Loops.

The well oiled machine that responds to MonkEmergencies sprang into action.  I went to the church’s sanctuary to inform Oldest Son and MiniMonk we would be leaving and then went to retreive cleaning materials.  MadMommaMonk sprinted to the restroom to provide comfort and aid to MiniestMonk.

After a brief period of vomit clean-up, I looked at MiniestMonk, asking “Are you okay, honey?”  “Daddy, I puked” was her reply.

We packed up the MiniVan and headed for CastleMonk.  As I write MadMommaMonk is back at church.  We have a cantata this evening and she has a solo.  MiniestMonk is on the couch with a sippy cup of Gatorade.  OldestDaughter and MiniMonk are baking cookies.  OldestSon is in his room.  There is calm in CastleMonk.

But don’t relax just yet.  As the two posts linked above indicate, this is round three.  Who will get it next?

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