I’m Better Now, Thanks

Over the past several months, viruses have had the run of our house.  There was one strain that had you spew all you had in one fell swoop, feel rotten for a day and was gone.  A variation on that theme had you feeling nauseous for several days, but didn’t actually cause Old Faithful to spew. 

It seems our little 5 year old and I are the only two (so far) to experience the variation, but we have all enjoyed the original.  

Part of my reason for writing this post is penance.  When my little 5 year old had it and complained for days she felt like throwing up, I got frustrated with her and begin to doubt the veracity of her statements.  I thought she was just trying to get attention.  I found soon enough exactly what she felt like.  I’ll do something nice for her later. 

A few mornings back she woke up feeling great and this morning was my morning to be whole again.  And there’s just something about waking up feeling whole again after several days of feeling poorly that just makes you…well…stupid. 

Yesterday my wife came home with a bark collar for one of our dogs.  It’s a simple little device that provides a mild shock to the animal based on throat movement.  I couldn’t get it working yesterday and with not feeling well, I didn’t really put that much effort into the task. 

This morning I tackled the task with gusto and soon determined what was wrong, performed the manufacturer’s recommended test and — voila — it works.  

And, of course, I couldn’t let it rest there.  I HAD to take the collar in hand, place it against my neck, and speak so my neck would move it such a way it would activate and…ZAP!!! 

MadMommaMonk found the entire incident extremely entertaining and will, I’m sure, have some choice words for me on her blog.  Oh, and by the way, for your personal safety, don’t try this one at home.  I’m a trained professional. 


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