Since When is Being Scientific Bad?

Look folks, yes I put an electronic bark control collar to my neck and made it go off.  MadMommaMonk has chronicled my actions in an accurate manner.  But where would we be today without the brave individuals who risk ridicule and mockery to make scientific discovery.

What if Columbus, like everyone else, thought the world was flat?  Would he have set out on his journey?  Oh, wait.  No one believed the world was flat.  That’s just a myth.  Uh, ok.

So what?  I shocked myself with a dog collar.  I’ve done worse.  And future experiments will provide additional blog fodder, I’m sure.

2 responses to “Since When is Being Scientific Bad?

  1. Hello, may I intrest you in my thoughts on your dog collar accident. That is funny lol anyways I find it hard to belive that the first time I heard someone doing something like this, I figure it would be a rambonxious teenager, instead its an much more mature person. It’s still funny though hahahahahaha

  2. Pingback: The Dog That Won’t Go Away « The Mad Monk

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